Buffalos’ Tears, Love You As Much As I Love Buffalos
The sample case of mis-conducting in precept no 1…. A woman who had a business in selling cows and buffalos meat and had to kill them almost every day during the past 30 years, what kind of Kammar will she get? And, how can she solve this? On the other hand, another man who killed the cows and buffalos just for fun, what would happen to him after he died? DMD has the answers.
Case studiesDon’t Let the Liver Ache And Don’t Die
The story of a woman who did not have in financial difficulties but she had to work hard until she had bone membrane torn in her leg. She had an operation but it was still not as good as before and might need to change her knee. However, she still had to work as hard as before. Why her life happened like this? Is there any Kamar if she does an animal business for slaughtering purpose but she has never does slaughtering herself? Why someone never success in doing any business? What are the differences of Kamar from a son kills the parents and the parents kill the son? DMC has the answers.
Case studiesOnce In a Man's Life
A story of one great fighter of Dhamma army. From mistaken life, associated with bad people, and drinking alcohol, he made his mother couldn’t sleep because of worrying about him. When he drank and didn’t come back home, mom cried. There were lots of moments that his life closed to death. Once he coordinated in Buddhism, I finally made up his mind to stay in monk’s suit for good. During he is a monk; he got the cancer in the stomach. But now it’s completely gone. Which retribution makes him got cancer and how could it disappear? Will it return? DMC has the answers.
Case studiesVery Poor
Example of stinginess of a woman who is an underground lottery dealer. In the past she had a good living lifestyle but she didn’t take care of her parents or her relatives even they were in a difficulty situation. After that she broke due to her business of underground lottery. Even in the last time of her life, she didn’t even have a coffin. There was only a mat to wrap her body before burning. How is her life after death? DMC has the answers.
Case studiesMother Still Cares
Not knowing the truth of life is extremely dangerous and because of this she made many errors before she got to know Wat Phra Dhammakaya. The DMC channel made us aware of the truth of life. This is fundamental because to lead a wrong life is more painful than not being alive.
Case studiesBefore No Mom to Hug
It took longer than ten minutes to get to the hospital. The doctor tried to pump up his heart, but because his brain didn’t receive oxygen for a long time, he then became a sleeping prince. He was asleep twenty-four hours a day. The last thing I was able to do for him was to have him listen to chanting for the nineteen days he was in a coma.
Case studiesSuper Perfection Pursuer
What did my mother do which causes her to love merit accumulation so much and had the chance to make merit with Luang Pu when he was still alive? What deed makes her, at the last period of her life, suffer with blood pressure, rheumatoid, thyroid and makes her tumble so many times that her ankles are no longer strong which obstruct her from coming to the temple? What retribution makes her not to have gum edge which causes her to be unable to wear false teeth, so it is difficult for her to eat and defecate?
Case studiesA Different Point of Views
My oldest sister follows a different creed called “Sanya”. The members of this creed chant something different from Buddhist morning and evening chanting. They light candle when they start chanting, and put the candle off when they finish a sentence of a chant. They repeat the same routine until they finish chanting.
Case studiesMy Beloved Grandmothers
What demerit caused her mother to be paralyzed, have diabetes, and have both her legs amputated? Did letting her hair grow long and requesting to have a longer life at the Phra Gan Shrine enable her to live for another 10 years? What demerit caused her father to have bleeding in his digestive system and die?
Case studiesForced to Marry
Chinese only wanted sons and grandsons to carry on the family’s name. They stuffed ashes into daughters' mouth and left them to die. What kamma caused her mother’s sisters to be killed at birth like this? What merit saved her mom from being killed? What bad result will the murderer receive? DMC has the answers.
Case studies